Interesting Sex Facts
Women (or Vulva-Owners)
· Orgasm Difficulty: 70-80% of women have difficulty reaching orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone.
· Increased Orgasm Rates: As age and education increase, so do women’s rates of orgasm—because older and better-educated women are more likely to ask for direct clitoral touch.
· Vagina Adaptability: The average vagina is around three inches in length and can stretch to four when aroused, adapting to accommodate almost any length.
· Clitoral Nerve Endings: The clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings, double the amount in the glans of a penis.
· Sexual Desire Changes: Decreased sexual desire becomes more common in women starting in their late 40s and 50s, but the effect of age differs from individual to individual.
· Arousal Non-Concordance: Vaginal wetness does not indicate how turned on you are; this misalignment happens 50% of the time in individuals with vulvas.
· Sexual Activity in Older Age: About one-third of women in their 80s remain sexually active.
· Dyspareunia: Nearly 3 out of 4 women experience painful intercourse at some point in their lives, with 20% experiencing persistent pain.
· Doctor Visits: On average, women with sexual pain will see seven different doctors before receiving an accurate diagnosis.
· Postpartum Pain: 40% of women experience painful intercourse up to a year postpartum.
Men (or Penis-Owners)
· Duration of Intercourse: The average man lasts about 5-6 minutes in bed, while the average woman needs about 18 minutes to climax.
· Perception of Duration: Men tend to overestimate the duration of their sexual encounters by about 31%.
· Penis Size Satisfaction: Nearly 9 out of 10 women are satisfied with their partner’s penis size, yet almost 1 out of 2 men believe they have a small penis.
· Penis Deflation: It's normal for a hard penis to partly deflate every 15 minutes or so.
· Erectile Dysfunction: Up to half of all men between the ages of 40 to 70 suffer from erectile dysfunction to some degree.
· Erections Requirements: Erections require adequate blood supply to the penis, proper brain signals, and healthy erectile tissue.
· Medication Effects: Certain medications (SSRIs, diuretics, antipsychotics, high blood pressure medications) can impact sexual arousal/functioning.
· PDE-5 Inhibitors: Drugs like Viagra and Cialis are not aphrodisiacs and won’t help you get or stay hard if you’re not aroused.
· Sperm Facts: The average number of sperm in a teaspoon of semen in a healthy man is around 300 million, with 5-25 calories.
· Ejaculation Speed: The average speed of ejaculation is 28 miles per hour.
· Phallophobia: Phallophobia is the fear of a penis.
· Transgender Poverty: 29% of transgender people live in poverty, compared to 14% of the general population.
· LGBT Youth Suicide Rates: LGBT youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth.
· Atypical Genitalia: Atypical genitalia occur in about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births.
· Asexuality: Not everyone is sexually or romantically attracted to others; some people experience little or no sexual attraction, while others may experience romantic attraction without sexual attraction.
· HIV Prevention: PrEP can reduce the sexual transmission of HIV by more than 90% when used consistently, and PEP can reduce your chances of HIV infection if taken within 72 hours of exposure.
· Orgasm Rates: Homosexual women are more likely to achieve orgasm during sex than their heterosexual or bisexual peers.
Porn and Masturbation
· Porn Addiction Treatment Centers: Utah has the most porn addiction treatment centers.
· Porn Viewership: In 2016 alone, Pornhub received 23 billion visits, averaging 64 million a day.
· Porn Watching Hours: 4,599,000,000 hours of porn were watched on Pornhub in one year.
· Female Porn Viewers: 1 in 3 porn viewers are women.
· Porn at Work: Approximately 16.1% of men reported watching sexually explicit material at work on a tablet or smartphone.
· Most Popular Porn Day: The most popular day of the week to watch porn is Sunday.
· Anti-Masturbation Foods: John Harvey Kellogg created Corn Flakes and Grape Nuts to hinder individuals from masturbating.
· Frequency: Greek couples have sex an average of 138 times a year, while Japanese couples have sex just 45 times a year. The average American couple reports having sex 66 times a year.
· No-Sex Marriages: 20% of American couples are in no-sex marriages, defined as having sex less than 10 times a year.
· Conception Locations: 1 in 10 European babies is conceived in an IKEA bed.
Sex Toys
· Sex Toy Bans: Sex toys and vibrators are banned in shops in Alabama and Mississippi.
· Monogamy: Social and sexual monogamy are rare in the animal kingdom.
· Black Widow Spiders: The black widow spider eats her mate during or after sex.
· Banana Slugs: Banana slugs mate using penises on their head and can consume their mate’s penis if it gets stuck.
· Mouse vs. Elephant Sperm: Mouse sperm is bigger than elephant sperm.
Abstinence-Only Sex Education
· Effectiveness: Abstinence-only sex education programs do not succeed in reducing rates of teen pregnancies or STDs.
· Teen Pregnancy Rates: Texas has the highest rate of teen pregnancies in the country, largely due to abstinence-based sex education.
· California’s Success: California has seen a 74% drop in the teenage birth rate from 1991 to 2012 due to comprehensive sex education and access to contraception.